On Fri, Dec 18, 1998 at 03:56:37PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 1998 at 04:53:33PM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric" wrote:
> > > Here's what's in /usr/lost+found/   (I promise to only print this list 
> > > once.)
> > > 
> > > > cd /usr/lost+found/
> > > > ls -l
> > > total 176014862730
> > > b-w-r-xrw-   1 12597    17448    199, 228 Jun  6  2010 #85683
> > > sr-x---r-T   1 38225    52884    18446744073400402084 Jan  4  1966 #85688
> > > c----ws--T   1 47531    12439    159, 161 Mar 19  2003 #85731
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > br-srwsr-x   1 13510    51690    138, 231 Aug 30  2001 #87654
> > > b--Sr-Srwt   1 43570    54985     21,  26 Feb 19  1979 #87675
> > > drwxrwxrwx   2 root     root         1024 Dec  2 07:27 #98109
> > > 
> > > Ok.  I like a good challenge, but this is ridicules!!
> > 
> > This shows your disk is severly screwed up.  It is time to make a
> > backup, and see if you can reformat the disk and reinstall.  If you get
> > errors like this again, I think you will have to regard the disk as
> > `deceased'.
> No way. File systems errors caused due to a crash or loss of
> system power cause things just like this too.

It's certainly possible that this could have been caused by a power
off or routine hardware failure.  But this make and model of HD have a
well known firmware bug.

Check out, for example:



Drive Firmware Quality Upgrade

Updated November 11, 1996

During extensive quality testing procedures, Western Digital has
identified an error recovery issue that affects less than 0.1% of a very
specific group of WD Caviar hard drives. As part of our ongoing commitment
to quality, we have developed a drive firmware utility that corrects
the error recovery code in the WD Caviar hard drives listed below. Even
though this issue affects an extremely small number of drives, we highly
recommend that you upgrade your drive firmware using this utility.

      AC11000 (1.0 GB) 
      AC22100 (2.1 GB) 
      AC32500 (2.5 GB) 
      AC33100 (3.1 GB) 


0.1% is a pretty big chunk of people when you consider how popular these
drives are.


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