> Howdy all!
> Recently I attempted to install some .deb's when I received error
> messages that /usr was mounted read-only.  I know that this *is*
> the desired state for /use, and will be once my system settles into
> a pattern where I'm not always installing/de-installing packages.
> In other words...RSN...
> Anyway, a brief look around showed that /usr had some low-level
> errors from the WD Caviar drive (again?).  I dropped down to
> single user mode and unmounted the drive.  Running fsck on the
> partition yielded many errors and a lot of cruft in /usr/lost+found.
> Here's what's in /usr/lost+found/   (I promise to only print this list once.)
> > cd /usr/lost+found/
> > ls -l
> total 176014862730
> b-w-r-xrw-   1 12597    17448    199, 228 Jun  6  2010 #85683
> sr-x---r-T   1 38225    52884    18446744073400402084 Jan  4  1966 #85688
> c----ws--T   1 47531    12439    159, 161 Mar 19  2003 #85731


> br-srwsr-x   1 13510    51690    138, 231 Aug 30  2001 #87654
> b--Sr-Srwt   1 43570    54985     21,  26 Feb 19  1979 #87675
> drwxrwxrwx   2 root     root         1024 Dec  2 07:27 #98109
> Ok.  I like a good challenge, but this is ridicules!!

This shows your disk is severly screwed up.  It is time to make a
backup, and see if you can reformat the disk and reinstall.  If you get
errors like this again, I think you will have to regard the disk as

> I *know* that I could wipe out /usr and re-install all of my packages,
> but that seems a little drastic.

A broken hard disk is a drastic condition, I can tell from experience

> I've toyed around _very_ _carefully_
> with lde and even tried using it to nix /usr/lost+found...next fsck
> caught the files and put them back (+1...I'm assuming it was the original
> /usr/lost+found/ entry...)
> Suggestions!?

Try to reinstall.  If your disk is so screwed up, you cannot expect to
get a reliably working system repairing stuff by hand.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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