At 09:35 18.12.98 Richard E. Hawkins wrote:>

>> But all this is unusefull cause WP is actually for nothing.
>> indeed I installed and tried WordPerfect. After this bothersome work
>> I discovered that, even though Corel said that this version is
>> "fully functional", equations and graphics are enabled only in
>> commercial versions of the software!!!!!!!
>> Hence , what is such a software meant for?
>to convince you to use LyX :)  At version 1.0pre4  . . . Equations are 
>much easier than the equation editors I've seen, anyway.  In fact, lyx's
> handling of equations is why I have a linux box . . .

Dear Richard, 
I am using LaTeX as well, with XEmacs, for my works, but I was looking to
applications appealing for the other people in my department 
in such a way to convince them to reject Windows and use Linux instead.

Some people fear to leave common office packages, such as WordPerfect, 
and jump to LaTeX. So, for these guys StarOffice remains the best.


Riccardo Tommasini
University of Berne - Institute of Applied Physics - Laser Dept.

Sidlerstrasse 5  -  CH-3012 Bern   

FAX: +41 31 6313765       

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