On Sun, Dec 20, 1998 at 16:46 +0100, Riccardo Tommasini wrote:
> Dave it seems you are really a funny guy!
Not funny, just weird :)
> Don't you aunderstand the problem? Ok, the problem is as follows:
> -Corel claims they release a fully fuctional release of WP.
>  Then, after installing what is meant to be a word processor, you discover
> that
>  you cannot insert graphics and equations. Do you think this is still a
> usefull
>  wordprocessor? 

Since I never use equations, and you can insert graphics (try loading a jpeg
or a GIF), I find it very good. It processes words very well, has a good
spellchecker, allows full layout control (though I haven't figured out how to
do margin notes - I like those in my CV) and has more functions than you can
shake a stick at. As somebody pointed out, Corel were strictly speaking
correct, as the equation editor and graphics editor are separate apps (but I
think it was wrong of them to not mention this). So yes, I think it is a very
useful wordprocessor - I understand your complaint, but I don't agree with it.
All I know is that this version of WP would have done an excellent job of my
3rd year dissertation. So let's leave it at that - I'm happy,  you're not.

> -Stardivision made the same a long time ago, and you really get a fully
> functional
>  office suite.
> Now take your conclusions.

That WP is perfect for my needs, and isn't slow and bloaty like SO? ;) A turd
is a turd even if it is big, steaming and delivered in wrapping paper. I still
have to meet anyone who used all the functions of word 2.0, let alone

         Dave Swegen           | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.1.125
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | PGP key available on request
      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

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