At 13:22 18.12.98 +0000, Dave Swegen wrote:
>What do you mean useless? If you want a fully functional word processor with
>all the extra bells and whistles go download bloaty-hog staroffice. I find it
>rather amazing that people complain about something they paid nothing for.
>Granted they might have made it clearer that those functions are only
>available in the paid-for version. So don't be so bloody ungrateful and cheap
>- go and buy the full version (which doesn't cost an extortionate amount of
>  money) if you want those features. "Useless" my arse...

Dave it seems you are really a funny guy!
Don't you aunderstand the problem? Ok, the problem is as follows:

-Corel claims they release a fully fuctional release of WP.
 Then, after installing what is meant to be a word processor, you discover
 you cannot insert graphics and equations. Do you think this is still a

-Stardivision made the same a long time ago, and you really get a fully
 office suite.

Now take your conclusions.

Riccardo Tommasini
University of Berne - Institute of Applied Physics - Laser Dept.

Sidlerstrasse 5  -  CH-3012 Bern   

FAX: +41 31 6313765       

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