Subject: Re: WP 8 problem
        Date: Fri, Dec 18, 1998 at 02:27:28PM -0500


> In a message dated 12/18/98 1:08:53 PM Central Standard Time,
> >  Well I agree with Riccardo!  It took me 18 hours to _finally_ get all
> >  7 parts of the software. I found that there readme was written by
> >  someone that didn't even try to load the 7 parts.  I then found that
> >  the Runme file didn't do anything (useful) so I had to figure out why
> >  .gz files were not, if fact, gzipped but tarred. Then, after looking
> >  at the Runme script, saw that it expected lowercase file names, so
> >  changed them.  Ok, now to get the Runme to run.  Forget it.  It is
> >  looking for files that aren't there.  A check of the ./linux/bin file
> >  shows that they are not executeable, in fact 'file ./linux/bin' says they
> >  are data files.  OK, look on the list to see what others are finding.
> >  OK, now look for xwp.  I am still looking.  It isn't in the packages
> >  that I have. Look for _any_ executeables. Found Runme, which doesn't
> >  do anything but ask me if I have 'unzip'ed un-tared the files'.
> >  
> >  I find it a total waste of time and effort.  I would not bother to
> >  even download it now _even_ if they said it was totally FREE.
> >  
> Sorry, but I didn't experience ANY of the problems you're having...

   Well congrats, I am glad you had no problems.
> 1) The filenames are in lowercase to begin with, I really can't see
> complaining if your download changed the case of the names.  Granted, the

What?  Do you mean you got gui00.gz, gui[1-6]0.gz and not GUI[0-6]0.GZ
files?  You didn't, like all the others who mentioned this, get Upper-Case 

> 2) My download took all of 2 hours for all 7 parts - and then I downloaded the
> full version for grins.  NO problems at all.

Well I screwed up and used  :-(

> 3) The install instructions at download time specifically say gunzip it, then
> tar it.  

I have the printed page of the download screen in front of me.  As I
had plenty of reading time :-( , I have read it more then once.  I am
unable to find the info that says to gunzip the files.  Which BTW was
false anyway as the files were only tar'ed.  I do see tho that the
single file is listed at 23.6 Meg.  Others report it to be 27 Meg.

> 4) Data files can also be executible, depending on their access rights.

VT1 root-S33:/program/NEW/WP8# ls -l ./linux/bin/*
-rw-r--r--   1 424      users     2770843 Nov 12 02:40 ./linux/bin/archfltr
-rw-r--r--   1 424      users       42186 Feb  6  1998 ./linux/bin/cjpeg
-rw-r--r--   1 424      users      731160 Dec  8 00:25 ./linux/bin/cvt
-rw-r--r--   1 424      users       52410 Feb  6  1998 ./linux/bin/djpeg

As I said above the linux/bin dir contains data files not executeable
files, at least from the 7 files I downloaded.

> 5) Waste of time and effort?  Hardly...  I have always loved Word Perfect, and
> even when my office standards require me to use Word97 on my machine, I still
> have a copy of WP loaded that I use instead.  I've used it since the early DOS
> days.  Now I find that I can get a free copy of it for use on my Debian
> machine?  Fan-f'n'-tastic!!  

Yep a 2 hour, in your case - 18 Hr in mine, download and you can use it FREE for
90 Days.

> 6) As for the eqution/graphics capabilities...  This is a free demo version
> folks.  And further, if there are packages (like Lyx) that do it better, why
> not use them!!   All I know is I have a great word processor for Debian now,
> one that I've used for years and have grown to love.

I wouldn't know about this, remember I spent 18 hours downloading, for

BTW, Thanks to those who sent mail telling me that they also had tried
the 7 part download and found it didn't work  

They also say the BIG 27 Meg one does, in fact, work.  Thanks for the
info but I have had it with WP8.  I really had high hopes for it too.
> My 2 cents.
> -Jay

USER, n.:
        The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot."
                -- Dave Barry, "Claw Your Way to the Top"

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