On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Brian Boonstra wrote:

boonst >        X starts automatically for me on boot -- I end up in kdm (used 
to be  
boonst >xdm).  How do I get the logfile you mention?

kill kdm/xdm, and load X from console.  kill -9 will get rid of kdm/xdm
then CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACe to kill the X server and return to console.  then
you can ..

xdm >& X.log
kdm >& X.log
startx >& X.log 

any of the above will record the X stuff to a log.  what i'd look for is X
deleting the mode lines because they may be 'invalid' (even if they appear
to be X does that sometimes) which would prevent you going to that
resolution.  i got the same videocard here ..but i dont think i have a
monitor that can go to 1600x1200 ...MAYBE one of our old 21"ers can ..

i'll check it out here if i get a chance.


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