On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 10:42:33AM -0500, dman wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 09:25:16AM -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
> | > 
> | > I would like to know if anyone in this list is using VMWare Workstation 
> in 
> | > order to run flavours of Windows with Debian GNU Linux as the host 
> machine.
> Is anyone willing to share the downsides/limitations as well?  I've
> heard a lot of positive comments on this list (including Martin using
> VMWare to fool some users into thinking they have a windows system),
> but I know there must be another side to it.

There are several downsides that are not mentioned much. Sound is hard to
get working if you have an unsuported sound card.

You can't easily do a dualboot and use the same partition/installation of
the guest operating system when you have a SCSI system as their RAW SCSI
support is minimal.

> How much does it cost?

Depends on if you are buying it regularly or through their educational
discount. I paid 120$ as a student. 
More info at:

> What are the restrictions?  (Can I have 1 copy of VMWare on a big
> machine and use it by a bunch of diskless X terms?)
 You will need to check with vmware about that. I suspect that you would
need licenses for all copies.
> I still have to buy a real copy of windows, right?

Yes. And to be proper about it, you will need to buy a copy for every
machine you install it on.
> How are the VMWare folks with support?  (quality, availability, cost) 
Not bad. Not great but not bad.
> Would they look favorably on a charity group (wrt licensing/cost)?
> For example, if I wanted to set up a network of obsolete hardware as
> diskless X terms (with a single modern system serving them) with
> windows running in vmware to teach underprivileged youths in a 3rd
> world country.
You will need to contact them.


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