Thanks all for the feedback provided.

(more comments below)

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 03:36:43PM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
| Thus spake Brian Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| > dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > 
| > > How are the VMWare folks with support?  (quality, availability, cost) 
| > > 
| > > Would they look favorably on a charity group (wrt licensing/cost)?
| > > For example, if I wanted to set up a network of obsolete hardware as
| > > diskless X terms (with a single modern system serving them) with
| > > windows running in vmware to teach underprivileged youths in a 3rd
| > > world country.
| > 
| > I don't know how the VMWare people would support such a configuration,
| > but I do know that VMWare has pretty hefty hardware requirements.  I
| > can't imagine you'd be able to run more than a couple sessions before
| > the server gets bogged down.
| > 
| > Win4Lin supposedly has lighter requirement, though it requires a
| > kernel patch and only supports Win9x.
| Actually, if you want to run a "windows server" in Linux to serve up 
| multiple windows systems check out the GLX and ELX(?) products.  They're
| designed for serving multiple machines from 1 host.  Apparantly the test
| a friend of mine is running looks rather favorable at this point.

$3500 is a lot of money!  That could buy a quite a bit of decent



Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.
        Albert Einstein

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