<quote who="Jor-el">

> memory. One niggling limitation though : the VMWare version that I
> am using (3.0.0 build 1455) has a max of 204MB that can be
> allocated to a VM session. If you need more than that for a VM
> session, you are SOL.

i think that has more to do with you only having 256MB of
memory and probably can only reserve 204MB. reserving any
more i believe would cause a severe performance hit on the
host machine. my desktop here has 512MB and i can reserve
409MB max. im sure with 1GB i could probably reserve at least

i tried to boot with 409MB reserved and my system slowed
to a crawl before it even got to 200MB. probably because
im already using 500MB in other apps so i don't have 400MB
to spare(it goes straight to swap..)

 13:13:26 up 214 days, 21:01, 36 users,  load average: 1.27, 0.76, 0.53
186 processes: 183 sleeping, 2 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   7.9% user,  68.0% system,   0.0% nice,  24.1% idle
Mem:    516544K total,   513552K used,     2992K free,    10484K buffers
Swap:   748864K total,    90244K used,   658620K free,   171604K cached

memory hogs:
16360 root     -10 -10  240M 202M  1984 S <   1.9 40.0  1960m XFree86
11320 aphro     11   0  339M 113M  112M R    57.9 22.5 302:08 vmware
12438 aphro      0   0 34216  32M 10480 S     0.0  6.5   2:46

i need to restart X to free up that memory i guess. probably
won't do that till xmas break though. too lazy to close out
my 50 windows.

maybe i'll toss in a 512MB stick next time i reboot..ram
is so cheap now!($73 for pc133 kingston)


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