dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How are the VMWare folks with support?  (quality, availability, cost) 
> Would they look favorably on a charity group (wrt licensing/cost)?
> For example, if I wanted to set up a network of obsolete hardware as
> diskless X terms (with a single modern system serving them) with
> windows running in vmware to teach underprivileged youths in a 3rd
> world country.

I don't know how the VMWare people would support such a configuration,
but I do know that VMWare has pretty hefty hardware requirements.  I
can't imagine you'd be able to run more than a couple sessions before
the server gets bogged down.

Win4Lin supposedly has lighter requirement, though it requires a
kernel patch and only supports Win9x.

Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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