martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> also sprach Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.12.24.1619 +0100]:
> > In my not so humble opinion, anyone that is spineless enough to put up
> > with working in a forced MS environment is not worth listening to, and
> > therefore I choose to ignore them.
> i don't want to be on the side arguing for windoze, but there are jobs
> which require windoze because of certain software, or because the
> infrastructure was a given and there weren't enough resources to
> switch. in the end, micro$oft is inherently bad, but you can still
> secure even a micro$oft net.

I realize sometimes you'll need to deal with Windows for a job.  I do
some software development for Windows at my job.  And, my procmail
filter only filters out emails with HTML content or headers identifying
the mailer as a Microsoft mailer (OE and Outlook).

No matter what OS platform you have to use for your job, there is no
excuse to ever use a broken MS mailer.  Hopefully no one on this list is
ignorant enough to argue that any MS mailer is even halfway decent or
acceptable to use.  You can use mutt in cygwin, or Mozilla Mail, or
whatever.  There are plenty of superior alternatives.  If your company
is fuxored enough to *require* you to use an MS mailer (with all the
outlook viruses and other broken behavior), then why the hell are you
working for them?

> > Come on, where are your morals?
> i didn't say i was that way, but to be quite frank with you, if i had
> a job that i loved, then i wouldn't switch to another one because of
> the software employed. surely, using micro$oft will significantly
> diminish the love for the job, but my ideal job doesn't deal with
> computers anyway...

Yes, but we all can't be porn stars, can we?  :)

Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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