On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 03:45:10PM -0400, Kevin Coyner wrote:
> In looking closer at your first email, I noticed you set:
> APTCONFDIR="/etc/apt/"   in your .pbuilderrc file
> ... which means the apt sources will be copied from your setup.  The
> default is to leave this blank.  Do you have anything unordinary in
> your sources.list?

Not really, I would say.  Well, worth a try to remove that line from
/etc/pbuilderrc.  Nope, no change. :-/ I'll comment out some other
settings and try again.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
Public GnuPG key:  http://maurits.vanrees.org/var/gpgkey.asc
"It can seem like you're doing just fine,
but the creep's creeping into your mind." - Neal Morse

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