On Sunday 23 April 2006 00:01, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
> On 2006-04-22, Steve Lamb penned:
> >     Same drivers installed on Mepis, one mouseclick, not even 5
> >     minutes.  And Mepis is Debian based so there's nothing there
> >     that Debian couldn't do if it wanted to be more than a badge of
> >     pride and actually attempt to address t he userbase every once
> >     and a while.
> Here's what I don't understand: If you like what other distributions
> do better, why are you so busy trying to convince debian to change?
> Why not just switch to one of the several distros you've mentioned?

This may not be a logical fallacy.  If not, it should be: the idea that 
if you don't like something, find a substitute.  Those that criticize 
something (like Debian) often have a high regard for it, which is why 
they take the time and effort to provide constructive criticism.  If 
they didn't like it and didn't care, they would jump ship.  Then we'd 
have something with no disagreement and a project that would become 
more and more esoteric until it met only the needs of a few developers.

If everyone had this attitude, nothing would ever improve.

From my observation, whenever something like this comes up on this list, 
there are those who listen and are willing to pay attention to 
constructive criticism and others who can't and keep saying things like 
the above comment or developers that can't accept criticism and become 
quite nasty with the users.  It's a good thing not all Debian 
developers are as thin skinned and unwilling to accept constructive 
criticism as the vocal minority who refuse to face different ideas.

(And if you missed it, I'm not slamming Debian developers as a whole, I 
have great respect for most of them, but, as in every group, there are 
a few prigs who speak loudly enough to make everyone look narrow 


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