Hal Vaughan wrote:
> From my observation, whenever something like this comes up on this list, 
> there are those who listen and are willing to pay attention to 
> constructive criticism and others who can't and keep saying things like 
> the above comment or developers that can't accept criticism and become 
> quite nasty with the users.

As far as I know I'm the only DD participating in this thread. Please
show an example of me being thin skinned and nasty with users in this

Steve Lamb wrote:
>     No, it's not, Joey.  There's a difference between "Debian's policy not
> allowing it to support" and "has been made to install just fine".  Debian, as
> a project vs. Debian as the OS.  I'm pointing out the difference between "Oh,
> you're on your own kid because that's BAD AND EVIL AND WRONG AND YOU'LL BURN
> IN HELL!!!" versus the pragmatic approach (one that was much more evidenced in
> Debian of years past) of "This'll get'cha going, it works but it's BAD AND
> EVIL AND WRONG and you really should convert to something else."

You continue to show evidence of not having actually read
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which gives ample evidence of
the latter approach continuing to exist in Debian today.

see shy jo

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