On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 22:47:27 +0100, Matteo Riva wrote:

> Quoting Camaleón:
>> That's an important point.
>> Are all the fonts rendering bigger than they should or just happens
>> with Verdana? If only one font is rendering badly, it is also possible
>> that the file is corrupted in some way.
> Well, so far I found that the problem happens only with truetype fonts
> and ONLY at 10pt (tried arial, verdana, tahoma, trebuchet ms) -- they
> look different on the two browsers. Other font-sizes look the same.

Okay, then.

- What are your fonts settings in Iceweasel?

Here is what I have:

Occidental (iso-8859-1)
Proportional font: San serif
Serif: Times News Roman / point: 16
Sans-serif: Arial
Monospace: Courier-new / point: 13
Smallest font size: none
[x] Allow pages to select their own font face, instead the above selection

BTW, you can make some checks between Chrome and Iceweasel by browsing 
through these pages:


Here is a snapshot of how Iceweasel renders Arial and Verdana fonts in my 


Also, print the pages (directly from both, Chrome and Iceweasel) to see 
if you still see the size difference in the printed page.

>> > -- anyway how can I set screen DPI?
>> > Option in `device` section in xorg.conf seems to have no effect.
>> > 
>> > Thanks a lot for your replies so far
>> In Gnome, you can right-click on the desktop and select "Change desktop
>> background / Fonts tab / Details"
> Thanks but that seems to have no effect on the browser contents, just
> changing gnome fonts.

Let's discard the "dpi path", then :-)



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