On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, csj wrote:

> PS/2 keyboards.  A case in point: I'm trying to google for
> Linux-compatible USB modems (dialup).  The only recommendations I

experience says .... a modem is linux compatible if it has a 
uart chip on it .... if it doesn't have uart chip on the modem
card or on the mb, throw it away ... you'd save yourself 
hours, weeks of headaches unless you know how to debug
rs232 w/ modem(hayes) command sets and like to play with it

if its soft modem ( like win-modem software emulated modems )
than you're in deep kaa-kaa

but, with all the hoo-lah a few years ago, some win-modems does work
with linux now daze :-)

> I have seen it on only one.  So I think the answer to the subject
> begs the question: You'll know it works under Linux if it works.

yupp... and what works for one might not work for another...
esp since not everyone needs all those whiz bang features
on the motherboard or pci cards

- not everyone needs to use onboard (firmware) raid
        - solution .. dont use any onboard raid .. doesnt work

- not everyone needs usb devices on the mb
- not everyone needs sata devices on the mb
- not everyone needs lm-sensor compatible chips on the mb
- not everyone needs sound compatible chips on the mb
- not everyone needs over-clockable cpu controls on the mb
- not everyone needs onboard scsi controllers 
- not everyone needs to squeeze the last ethernet efficiency on the mb
- not everyone needs the last MB/sec disk transfer from the mb
- not everyone needs to run 8x AGP memory-to-memory controllers
- not everyone needs all pci master/slave slots to behave 100% per specs
... blah .. blah ...

- everyone does want it to plug-n-play and it all works the first time
  w/ no tweeking of jumpers on the mb or config files in the distro
        - but that's probably not gonna happen

        - closest to that is to have a pc-shop build it for you
        ( they usually dont charge anything to do a generic install linux)

in 1U boxes at the colo's.. people seem to tweek it to the max .. :-)

c ya

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