Dňa 16.06.2013 18:05 Andrei POPESCU  wrote / napísal(a):
> On Du, 16 iun 13, 11:15:03, Slavko wrote:

> Well, in general Debian works as a do-ocracy. That means the decision is 
> taken by whoever does the work. It is entirely possible to maintain a 
> package or take care of parts of the infrastructure without actually 
> being a Debian Member[1] or a Debian Maintainer[2]. This includes making 
> decisions in that particular area[3].

I know, i am involved in the Debian's translations and i maintain some
packages too ;-)

> What I'm trying to say (an probably not disagreeing with you) is that if 
> you want to be involved in the decision making you have to actually be 
> prepared to do some work.

Sure, i can do some decisions, but all my decisions must follow the
policy documents. Some can be better for others, another can be bad. If
there are bad decisions made by me (or by another maintainer), anybody
can fill bugreport, because the maintainer haven't see/know all cases or
relations. Sometime (with some maintainers) it can be tricky, but
filling the bugreport is first (and essential) step to take own
suggestion into realization - and this is thing, which IMO are known
for us both.

Initially i try to point on "community distro" words. And i want to
tell, that these words does not mean, that distro (Debian) must follow
suggestions from all. But you are right, it can follow suggestion from
anybody (and has tools for this).

By the 20 years of Debian life anybody can see, that his system (and his
conservatism) is good for stability, security, long time live, etc :-)



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