Lawrence Galka wrote:
> I am running debian wheezy with the lxde desktop environment.  When I
> insert a mmc card,  it gets detected as /dev/mmcblk0p1 and mounted in
> /media/<blah>.  Unfortunately, the /media/<blah> directory is owned by root
> and other users do not have write permission. When I try to copy files to
> this card it throws a permissions error. How do I configure the system to
> allow a non-root user to insert a mmc card and obtain write access to the
> mmc?

Question.  There are (at least) two different ways to mount removable

1) Is there an entry in /etc/fstab for it?  If so does it have the
"user" flag on it?  Here is a typical entry for a cdrom showing the
"user" flag.  And a custom entry after it also showing the flag but
that entry isn't a standard one.

  /dev/cdrom      /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0 0
  /dev/sdg1       /media/usbdisk  auto    user,noauto,noatime     0 0

The "user" flag is what allows the mount to happen as the user
invoking the mount command.  In which case the owership and permission
is the same as that of the invoking user.

2) If nothing like the above /etc/fstab entry exists then some desktop
session daemon is automatically mounting the media for you upon
insertion.  Such as the gnome-volume-manager.  In which case you would
need to find out which daemon is doing it and configure it.


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