On Du, 23 nov 14, 12:17:00, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> What I see missing in these discussions is the vast number of people who
> don't monitor the lists.  That is the huge majority of Debian users.

I agree that they are the majority.

> Some will get a rude surprise when they upgrade and things don't work as
> expected.

Well, I will assert that those users also don't customize their systems 
in ways that would matter for the Wheezy -> Jessie upgrade switch to 

> Many will be able to fix those problems - but at a cost of time and
> manpower.  Others will have neither the time nor the money to fix the
> problems, and still others will not have the technical expertise to do so.

As with any major transition. And your point is?

[1] assuming this will happen, as it's still not decided yet.

Kind regards,
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