On 07/23/2015 02:20 PM, Jape Person wrote:
> On 07/23/2015 01:48 PM, Ralph Katz wrote:

>> So the question is, how to set a time interval that actually forces a
>> check as suggested my man tune2fs quoted above?  Or is this a bug?

> My sincere apologies for accidentally sending an earlier message
> directly to your e-mail addy. Slip of the mouse in Icedove. I would
> *never* do that intentionally.
> I also didn't look closely enough at your initial post and see that what
> I thought was -1 was actually -l. Doh! I'm careful to use fonts that
> distinguish between the two characters, and then still don't read them
> correctly.
> Have you tried using the "-c 1" option with tune2fs to force fsck on the
> ensuing restart?
> Again, sorry, and regards,
> Jape

Jape, no problem, really.  I'm sure I can manage an fsck manually, the
issue was to install the time interval option promised by the manual.


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