On 07/23/2015 03:07 PM, David Wright wrote:
> Quoting Ralph Katz (ralph.k...@rcn.com):

>> So I assumed setting the time interval would force a check on the next
>> reboot.   syslog shows check not done:

>> And again, from tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
>> Last mount time:          Thu Jul 23 10:45:36 2015
>> Last checked:             Mon May 12 14:08:09 2014
>> So the question is, how to set a time interval that actually forces a
>> check as suggested my man tune2fs quoted above?  Or is this a bug?
> You and I thought the same thing. Looking at Jape's -c 1 (which
> has to be reversed after the fsck) and the manpage suggested that
> the following command would be ideal:
> # tune2fs -c 0 -i 365 -T 20101010 /dev/sdDN (repeated for each partition)
> This should set up an fsck but with no automatic repetition for a
> year, it's easily scripted, would work with remote access (no need to
> talk to grub) and even if you boot into a different installation/
> partition.
> But it doesn't work. A bug is already reported:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=792752
> but it doesn't make it unambiguous that -i expiry doesn't work,
> though it implies as much.

Thanks David, and I should update my Bug #793322: (debian-reference-en:
fsck information is incomplete or misleading) as well.


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