
I have big issues recently with debian that I don't understand, maybe
someone could help on the matter ?

First, debian does not want to give me any network. I really say debian
because I have 3 possibilities to run the OS : 2 USB sticks and a PC
tower, all
on wheezy, which worked fine til they do not for no reason.

The one USB stick which does boot and run says, when /ifconfig eth0 up/ :

    eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device

The other stick now even doesn't want to start X (but that I guess is not
related, surely USB stick issue).

And the tower.. I had to install fedora because it didn't want to mount my
home during installation - which was a new 1To disk to format, even after
formatted it which gparted. Plus the unavailable network issue of course,
also during installation.

These network issues only happen with debian as I could install fedora with
no issue at all : it took care of my home and found the network without
any flag.

Any idea ?

Thank you,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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