Dear list,

I have used Debian for many years now, and I have come to trust it as a source of software that is safe. That is, the software that I install with apt-get is not spy-ware, nor ad-ware, nor malicious in any other way. I also have had the overwhelming feeling that the software is "on my side", not trying to haggle me me into upgrading to something more expensive or to subscribe to some paid service.

Lately, I feel that this trust has been violated. Most notably, by the addition of advertisements to iceweasel's new tab page. See the "" sponsored link.

I would like to see an in-depth discussion of where Debian draws the line when it comes to interaction of packaged software with commercial services. Iceweasel has, for years now, used as the default search engine. I doubt few would disagree with that choice, despite the fact that Mozilla gets paid by Google to make it that way.

Another interesting example is that of the open source Atom text editor: Atom is, as far as I can tell, mostly a front end to github's closed source services. Should the DFSG allow open source software that is merely a thin front end to something closed source?

Another example is, which is almost inseparably integrated with Docker Inc's comercial Docker hub.

I am *very* interested in your opinions on, what is for me, a rather distressing and unclear issue.

Thank you,

Timothy Hobbs

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