On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> Is there a way to determine what is using up my memory? I have an 8GB
> system and every few days the memory usage rises to over 7 GB and up
> to a GB, or more of swap is used. Granted, I have 3 X sessions
> running, along with 2 instances of Firefox and one of Chrome, not to
> mention up to 3 instances of Libre Office, but... When I first added
> the 8 GB (I used to do this on 2.25 GB!) I could run for months
> without having a memory problem. Now it's every few days.

What is the precise output of free?

Odds are a huge amount of what is in "use" is actually cached or in

Furthermore, it's pretty normal for the OS to swap out memory pages
which aren't actively being changed to make room for more buffers and

The output of top or htop sorted by memory will also be informative.

Don Armstrong                      http://www.donarmstrong.com

Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.
 -- Tussman's Law

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