Le duodi 2 brumaire, an CCXXIV, Cindy-Sue Causey a écrit :
> Your statement.... left me confused so I just bypassed it (but kept it
> and Tomas' in mind). Five seconds later I entered that full command
> into a search engine. For others likewise confused but less bold about
> speaking up, this is one of the article/inquiry titles the search
> engine pulled up:
> "How do I clean or disable the memory cache?"

I have no idea if you are saying that you understood the problem, or rather
that there is no problem, of the other way around. Maybe try to be a little
more to the point when writing your messages?

I found this page which seems to summary the point rather well:


I suggest everyone who read this thread and was not already perfectly clear
on this notions peruse it, it is quite short.


  Nicolas George

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