On 10/22/15, Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:
> Le primidi 1er brumaire, an CCXXIV, Marc Shapiro a écrit :
>> Google was my friend and showed me how to free up that memory ('free &&
>> sync
>> && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free' as root) and all is now
>> good
>> with the world.
> I hope you realize this is only useful for debugging purposes.
> The memory used by the cache and buffers is already free, or more precisely
> immediately available for applications that need it. By flushing the
> caches,
> you just prevent the system from making use of it while nobody else does,
> and therefore reduce the performances.

Your statement.... left me confused so I just bypassed it (but kept it
and Tomas' in mind). Five seconds later I entered that full command
into a search engine. For others likewise confused but less bold about
speaking up, this is one of the article/inquiry titles the search
engine pulled up:

"How do I clean or disable the memory cache?"

Ahhhh... The potential to (accidentally, even) *disable*.. That's what
the two responses must mean in this "solved" thread. Definitely not
what I personally would be wanting to do with anything memory related.
Thank you *SO MUCH* for highlighting that particular potential

That's a BIGGIE. In fact it comes to mind to very unhumbly suggest
that some of us keep a mental tickle file on it as one checkpoint to
ask users with (computer) memory issues. Just make sure they didn't
accidentally *disable* something while following [destructions] out on
the Internet.

PS The 30 browser tabs open.. I wish! This thread has been of interest
because I'm facing needing a way to cleanse memory out without
rebooting**. The no-brainer in my case is "a few" tabs too many opened
in Iceweasel. I've been "cleansing" those out the last couple days..
That project's moving right along. The count's currently down to..

4 open windows with ~350 tabs open between them on 1GB memory. Again. lol =)

Cindy :)

** I'm trying to mentally work through a BAD #1 critical Debian bug
without rebooting. Rebooting means losing, breaking the virtual train
of thought to this point this second. For people in my cognitive
(disability type) Shoes, it represents a major loss. It's why we get
stubborn about things like not rebooting sometimes. :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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