On 10/13/2015 07:32 AM, The Wanderer wrote:
On 2015-10-13 at 10:26, Marc Shapiro wrote:

Is there a way to determine what is using up my memory?  I have an
8GB system and every few days the memory usage rises to over 7 GB and
up to a GB, or more of swap is used.  Granted, I have 3 X sessions
running, along with 2 instances of Firefox and one of Chrome, not to
mention up to 3 instances of Libre Office, but... When I first added
the 8 GB (I used to do this on 2.25 GB!) I could run for months
without having a memory problem.  Now it's every few days.

When this happens, I exit all programs and shut down all three X
sessions.  I also log out the other two users.  This leaves me with
only a single login and nothing but bash running.  When I run 'free'
it usually shows over 2 GB in use!  When I reboot, the memory usage
is back down at about 250 MB.  Much more reasonable.

So how do I tell what is using up the memory and not freeing it up?
My usual first stop is top. Launch it, then press 'M' (capitalized) to
sort by memory usage; that will tell you what process(es) is(/are) using
up the largest share(s) of the RAM.

What the next steps are depends on what those processes are. In my case,
with the last significant memory leak I found, the process was X, and
further digging revealed that the X heap size was growing without limit;
it turned out to be a problem with fglrx, and went away when I switched
to the radeon drivers.

In your case, since it apparently happens without X running, the only
candidates I can think of are background (daemon-like) processes or the
kernel itself.

Is there a way to free that memory without having to reboot?
Depends what process(es) is/are using it.

If it's a background daemon, restart that daemon.

If it's the kernel, probably not, but it would be worth reporting the
problem as a bug against the kernel.

On 10/13/2015 07:51 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
What is the precise output of free? Odds are a huge amount of what is in "use" is actually cached or in buffers. Furthermore, it's pretty normal for the OS to swap out memory pages which aren't actively being changed to make room for more buffers and cache. The output of top or htop sorted by memory will also be informative.

Well, it was doing it again this morning after I had done a restart just yesterday. Conveniently, free and top were the first things that I ran. The output of free and the relevant line from top is below. It's fFrefox. Usually, it is my wife's instance of Firefox, as she keeps about thirty open tabs, or it is my daughters instance of Chrome. This time it was my Firefox and I believe that was the case the last time, as well. I don't keep a lot of open tabs. At the moment, I have ten tabs open, including pinned tabs. I am beginning to think that it is Kahn Academy (which accounts for four of those ten tabs open on different courses) which is causing the problem. Simply closing down all browsers and restarting them gets back a lot of the memory (several GB at least). It's just getting that last one to two GB that I have to reboot for.

When I do have to do a reboot I close down everything to a single console running. I then run top and it only shows bash and top. Next time I will run top and include root and daemon processes and see if anything shows up. I am guessing that this is memory that Firefox was using, but has forgotten about. If that is the case, is there a way to free it up without doing a reboot?

:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers cached
Mem:       8176892    8072660     104232          0       1588 454736
-/+ buffers/cache:    7616336     560556
Swap:      8388604    1566652    6821952

~$ top

top - 08:22:28 up 17:42,  4 users,  load average: 7.71, 3.31, 1.74
Tasks: 298 total,   1 running, 295 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
%Cpu(s): 14.5 us, 1.8 sy, 0.0 ni, 82.1 id, 1.5 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem:   8176892 total,  8071388 used,   105504 free,     3480 buffers
KiB Swap:  8388604 total,  3260756 used,  5127848 free,   466560 cached

 5062 marc      20   0 7622m 5.3g  12m D   1.6 68.1 210:02.01 firefox

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