On Thursday 19 November 2015 16:55:43 moxalt wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 19:34:38 +0000, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 18 November 2015 19:24:31 moxalt wrote:
> > > > The OP is currently watching the
> > > > news on Doze.  Hardly more secure than flash
> > >
> > > And OP should do neither.
> >
> > That's a bit arrogant - saying that other people shouldn't watch the news
> > on their computers because you would choose not to do so.
> >
> > Lisi
> I don't think advocating that others should follow certain ethical
> principles is at all arrogant. What you're accusing me of is telling others
> to reject non-free software because I do so. This is not true. I think
> people in general should not use proprietary software, and I comply by this
> ethical principle. In what way is recommending that others should do the
> same arrogant?

Telling others what they "should" do is arrogant.  Especially on this forum on 
occasions where people are only using the Debian repositories.

It is admirable that you are prepared to make sacrifices for your principles.  
Telling others that they "should" make sacrifices for your principles is 
arrogant.  Persuade them by all means.  But if you are so dead set against 
all use of non-free or not-quite-fully-free software, use one of these:

Contrib and non-free Debian repositories exist.  We are entitled to use them 
in peace and without being given moral lectures and being carpeted like 
naughty schoolboys.

I for one, and I am not saying that anyone else "should" do it, use FLOSS 
wherever possible.  But I want to use e.g. the BBC site, and I cannot do so 
with FLOSS and Wheezy.  So I use software that isn't in main.  You I assume 
have only main in your sources.list.  Bully for you.  Some of us choose to 
use the other repositories as well in order to use our computers more fully.

And I use Linux.  You use GNU/Linux.  Again, bully for you.  That is a matter 
of semantics.


> For instance, I hold that people should not kill each other needlessly. I
> comply by this principle too, and do not kill people. In what way is
> recommending to others that they follow this principle arrogant?

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