On Saturday 26 March 2016 16:11:22 Alan McConnell wrote:
> I have been told by a kind responder that my keyboard
>             is inadequate, and I should borro(buy?) a new one.  Since
>             my present keyboard works fine for all purposes up to now,
>             I don't see why my difficulty should be attributable to
>             the inadequacy of my present keyboard.

We are looking for possible explanations.  A problem with your keyboard (from 
the BIOS's point of view, not yours) is a likely explanation.  If you refuse 
to try the suggestions made, on the grounds that you know that they are 
wrong, it is difficult to help you.

In your position I would try several different keyboards of several different 
types.  As many as possible.  If you can't lay your hands on another 
keyboard, then you may be stuck.  Do none of the suggestions that do not 
involve keyboards help?

Can you get someone to show you the repeated-clicking method to make sure that 
you are doing it correctly?

Perhaps your motherboard is the thing that is faulty????  There is something 
wrong with something.

Have you thought of upgrading my simply upgrading?  Though make sure you know 
what to do before you do it.


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