On 26 March 2016 at 16:53, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Saturday 26 March 2016 16:11:22 Alan McConnell wrote:
> > I have been told by a kind responder that my keyboard
> >             is inadequate, and I should borro(buy?) a new one.  Since
> >             my present keyboard works fine for all purposes up to now,
> >             I don't see why my difficulty should be attributable to
> >             the inadequacy of my present keyboard.
> We are looking for possible explanations.  A problem with your keyboard
> (from
> the BIOS's point of view, not yours) is a likely explanation.  If you
> refuse
> to try the suggestions made, on the grounds that you know that they are
> wrong, it is difficult to help you.
> In your position I would try several different keyboards of several
> different
> types.  As many as possible.  If you can't lay your hands on another
> keyboard, then you may be stuck.  Do none of the suggestions that do not
> involve keyboards help?
> Can you get someone to show you the repeated-clicking method to make sure
> that
> you are doing it correctly?
> Perhaps your motherboard is the thing that is faulty????  There is
> something
> wrong with something.
> Have you thought of upgrading my simply upgrading?

​On my AMD 3400 box I had to use the bios manually every time I wanted to
boot linux - the grub menu would not spontaneously appear.

But upgrading to debian jessie and beyond somehow cured the problem.



> Though make sure you know
> what to do before you do it.
> Lisi

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