
> Yes but do you want equality?  You give me half of your Euros I'll give
> you have of my Uruguayan pesetas.  Then there will be no war, no reason
> for war.  If you want to be free but you want the army to enforce
> maximum inequality go to Trump's land.  It is the most freedom you can
> have with your wallet on.

No way. The Euro was a big mistake. You need your currency, we need our own.
The Euro has winners (Germany and the elite) and losers (the rest).

> > All people around the planet should do a constitution. There is nothing
> > higher than a constitution. It's prohibited to enforce any kind of limits
> > from outside.
> Or should do with out one.  The aliens are watching your every move as
> we speak.  Last time you guys got frustrated and came up with ideas it
> took the whole red army to come in and control you.  And they are no
> angels, let me tell ya.

No, you can't do one constitution for all humans on the world, because they
have different cultures, different places where they live and different
conditions. I think this could be the next step, but not in my lifetime.
I'm lucky when we've evolved our constitution in my lifetime.

If there are aliens, a tip: Don't visit us. You'll be killed by NATO :-D
Just wait if you want to overtake the planet. If nothing changes, we're
destroying our self and planet earth is yours.

> I hope you understand my writing. Even it's hard to explain it in german.
> I have John Cleese here next to me, he says "don't talk about ze war in
> front of the bloody Germans".
> > Greetings
> > Andre Müller
> Hey Andre, just joking don't take it personally, when in Uruguay look me
> up!
> --
>  "The most violent element in society is ignorance" rEG

It's ok :-)
The topic is very dry and hard to understand because you have to make
a step to the side and to call everything to into question.

The propaganda in the west is very far. If you're a german and want to be
accepted in the society, you have to:

- hate all Russian people, because they are evil!
- Putin is evil! There was a comparison to Hitler in our media.
- Putin commanded the bad weather in Germany
- In Syria is still war going on
- all refuges are welcome
- USA is good, Trump is bad. You've to hate Trump as a German!
- we've a degrading demographic progress, weeeeee neeed refugeeeees
- all refuges are special educated people!
- the media says always the truth and the internet is making all the fake
- Putin hacked USA
- Putin commanded the fake news!
- all people who are telling the opposite, are Reich citizens, Nazis,
Esotericist Nazis and spiritual Nazis
- if you talk to Nazis, you'll get sick and will be converted also into a

Andre Müller

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