On Fri, 27 Dec 2019 16:24:30 -0700
ghe <g...@slsware.net> wrote:

> SSH isn't starting at boot on my server. When I try to set it to do
> that, systemd says it can't do that 'without a command.'
> What kind of command makes it happy? Where does it need to be?
> (I've futzed with the ssh file in /etc/default, even entered a
> command: (qwerty="42" -- it wasn't impressed). I looked around on the
> web (lots of info about systemd commands, but nothing about what I
> need.)
> Help??

Have you tried removing openssh-server package and reinstalling it?
If you re using any version of Debian the default
installation comes with sane defaults and it leaves the service
enabled and running.

Nektarios Katakis

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