On 12/29/19 10:21 AM, Reco wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 09:40:29AM -0700, ghe wrote:
>> Somebody just forgot to enable SSH while preparing the Raspian Buster
>> release, it looks like.
> Nope. It was deliberate - [1] (note the "ssh" part).

Amazing. I'm a self-taught *nix geek, but I've never seen a release
without SSH. Not since I figured out what SSH is, anyway. Makes me
question the sanity of the otherwise quite rational 'Pi folks.

> Reading error messages is not a viable substitute to reading the
> documentation. At least the distribution one.

Look. The problem was with the lame systemd error message. It didn't
provide enough info to figure out how to correct my action. And I did
look for dox. I looked for systemd commands, and didn't find anything
useful. That's why I asked the list. What I needed was a little help
from somebody who knows systemd.

When I try to use a CLI program from the 'apt' collection as a user, the
error message says 'Are you root?' -- useful information.

If the systemd message had said something like "A unit file isn't
enabled' or something like that, I probably would have found the
solution. After a couple responses from the list, I had an idea of how
to look up a solution. And in 5 minutes, all was well.

> Small "problems" such as this "ssh-sshd" discrepancy is the reason
> Raspbian is frowned upon here. It's close to Debian yes, except for such
> small yet fundamental parts, which makes it different to Debian.

I didn't know that. They claim it's the same (with a peculiar /boot
directory), and in the time I've been using 'Pis, I've never seen one do
anything different from a Debian box.

With this trouble, though, there was no difference between Debian and
Raspian. Same systemd, same .system files, same SSH, same systemd
command to get it started.

Why it was disabled is a matter for another discussion...

Glenn English

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