On 2019-12-28, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> On Saturday 28 December 2019 11:08:20 ghe wrote:
>> On 12/27/19 5:02 PM, Nektarios Katakis wrote:
>> > Have you tried removing openssh-server package and reinstalling it?
>> Another hopefully good suggestion. Thanks, and I'll try it.
>> > If you re using any version of Debian
>> Raspian Buster.
> One problem, raspian buster is armhf, debian is arm64.

I was going to say--but didn't!--that the OP had merely provided a bunch
of prose ("try to set" etc.) and no genuine technical detail (viz. a
cut-and-paste of input/output from a terminal session) in his problem
presentation, so that even Carnac the Magnificent in his prime would
fail to divine where the error might lie. Then he revealed (because the
whole process should be like pulling teeth--if they don't fall out
"naturally," if haphazardly, that is) he was using Raspian rather than
Debian, and I thought it was the addition of insult to injury.

Maybe 'sshd -t' would disclose some snafu in the config (a stray "-"
without an argument)?

> Cheers, Gene Heskett

"J'ai pour me guérir du jugement des autres toute la distance qui me sépare de
moi." Antonin Artaud

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