On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 03:57:37AM -0600, Wayne Sitton wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 22:59, Kevin Mark wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 09:46:03AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> > > 
> > > Perhaps I have no business posting this here . . . .
> And, I don't have a problem if tigerdirect, or anyone else, has banners
> that are windows oriented, but if they promote that they recommend
> windows over anything else, then we should let them know that we are
> Buyers as well and would appreciate equal advertisement or they will not
> get our business, and promote against them...like maybe a link page of
> Linux-friendly hardware distributors, or whatever we can to make these
> game developers and hardware makes know that we want to be supported,
> and are tired of being treated like second class citizens.
> I don't give a damn if most computers run winblows...I don't! and I want
> to watch DVD's, play games, burn cd's, and do all the same things they
> do.
> And, my opinion is that if they don't develop for Linux as well, then
> they are promoting the M$ monopoly, and should be liable under the U.S.
> justice for promoting a monopoly  
> I would say just my 2 cents....but I think I have taken up a dollar!
> Wayne
Hi Wayne,
I'm on your side. I love free software and it world-wide community and I
try to say Gnu - Linux (hi RMS!) when ever possible.
unfortunatley its like the US Govn't, They listen to $100,000,000
lobbyists, not to joe citizen who may write a letter. This is how the
DMCA, broadcast flag laws got passed. MS Pays them for the advert. Maybe
we can setup a fund and tell Debian proper to direct this fund to pay
Tiger Direct to post OUR Banner, web link, etc. This would be cool!

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