On Mi, 26 mai 21, 05:08:52, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
> I am planning to open a user group, with forums, place to share picture
> and tips, video chat server (Jitsi or something alike) and more.
> So this is a call to anyone interested.
> I am not limiting to photograph using Debian but caring for people using
> opensource software at large, with preferred operating system of Linux.

Sounds like a very nice idea :)
As it happens such a community of users and creators of open source
photography software already exists at https://pixls.us. Many projects
use the forum (https://discuss.pixls.us/) as their official place for
support. There's a section to showcase your works
(https://discuss.pixls.us/c/showcase/11) and one to share works for
everyone to try their hands on with processing, thus learn from each
other (https://discuss.pixls.us/tag/play_raw). And since recently
there's irregular videoconference meetups. The page itself features
tutorials and news around the FLOSS photography ecosystem.
I can very much recommend anyone interested in photography (and also
video) to have a look.

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