> If I'm asking for help, I don't want to hear "try this, it's
> dangerous" unless all other possibilities have been exhausted.
> If you want to start a thread "dangerous things to do to risk
> your data", that's fine. 

Would you be stuck in something like YOU = ALL OTHER BEING ?
Can you let other evaluate their own risk ? You know what ? If I feel
like doing parachute, I can do so.

And if I feel like going in the forest without having pepper spray for
bear, I also can.

>> I feel like there's some quasi religious mentality that :
>> 1. Must always obey to the latest standard / RFC / way of doing things.
> RFC literally means "request for comment". Only the
> peer-reviewed ones listed as Standards Track can claim to be
> standards; most RFCs are informational.
> This is because the grad student taking notes at meetings wasn't
> sure of how accurate the notes were, so they stuck "Request For
> Comment" at the top of the paper when distributing it.
Great but other than showing me "You know stuff", it's irrelevant.

My message had nothing to do with what you say here.

I was putting simply a list of word that relate to "norms, standard,
procedure". The need to show that I didn't know the whole story behind
RFC makes me believe that you have a need to express that you are part
of "the ones who know".

But this apply only to the sandbox of your limited domain of knowledge
and we all have our own.

Read it back if you feel.

>> 2. If we can win a millisecond then everything is worth getting this
>> poor millisecond.
> Depends. If you can save a millisecond on something that
> happens a million times a day, that's 15 minutes of your day
> back. If it takes you an hour to save a millisecond on something
> that only happens once a day, it's probably not worth it.
And even if I could save the millisecond every second.
Sure on a pure math based calculation you save much.

But nothing to force you.

Not everyone's life is based and revolve around what computer does.

Many people only care about the result, and have no need to save one
minute per day. Because they are happy this way.

Leave them alone !

>> 3. Unix is SERIOUS stuff, even if you use it only for web surfing, if
>> you have the technical knowledge then you must ensure it's safe.
> There are a bunch of loonies out there who don't like other
> people based on gender, sex, skin color, religion, geography, or
> merely the fact that their computer is unsecured.

Thanks, I didn't know the word loonies applied to yourself. Now I get a
better understanding.

Maybe you shall read back before sending email. Because I have a strong
proof based opinion that you are getting pretty angry against people
with unsecured computer.

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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