
On 2021-08-11 4:55 a.m., Leandro Noferini wrote:
> Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside <deb...@polynamaude.com> writes:
> [...]
>> Ever had the idea of using quota system ?
> Is quota to complicated for my needs?
We all have different view on what's complicated and what effort we are
ready to put into a certain solution.

For example, there's a easy way to write a scientific paper and that's
using LibreOffice Writer (WYSIWYG) but this may not be optimal for
productivity and there's also using LaTeX to compose the same scientific
paper. The last one will require some time to get acquainted but will be
much more effective, you can edit your document from a terminal screen,
you can process the document thru command line, use *fgrep* for
searching thru the source of all your papers, etc.

On my opinion, I'd say this is not something complex, would be easy to
implement and would be easy on maintenance. It will require planning
regarding the group / user quota allowance and that's probably all to do
more than what you actually have.

There's some visual tool for quota management and also it is included as
part of some configuration management tool too, example *webmin*

Quota is the historic tool used on Linux system to prevent one user from
using all the space on a hard drive.

Here's a description of Quota from Digital Ocean (Server Hosting) :

Quotas are used to limit the amount of disk space a user or group can
use on a filesystem. Without such limits, a user could fill up the
machine’s disk and cause problems for other users and services.

Strange enough, there's no Wiki page for Debian regarding Quota in
English, only a French page. But I've found some nice links for information.

The Debian Administrator's Handbook - 9.9 Quota

Linux Quota - installation and configuration on Ubuntu and Debian

> --
> Ciao
> leandro

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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