On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 11:00:26AM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > You don't really get that far if your root FS is unmountable.
> Hmm... if it truly can't be mounted, then the system can't read
> `/etc/passwd` and then whether there is a root account or not makes
> no difference.

That's right.


> Of course, the existence of a root password can occasionally be handy
> for things like `rsync` (strictly speaking, you can probably arrange
> for rsync to first log in as a normal user and then use `sudo`, but
> it requires a fair bit of fiddling, IIRC).

For that, there is `rsync ... --rsync-path="sudo rsync" ...'. I do use
to back up my virtual server out there, which doesn't like (heh) to
have an ssh root login.

 - t

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