Am 20.11.2022 12:06, schrieb Schwibinger Michael:
To avoid problems by surfing
I tried
No good enough.

I did try

nice -n 19 chromium-browser
 cpulimit -e chrome -l 30

But this also did not work,
cause URLS do open other URLs.

I found this.

2 Questions:

What does it do?

Why does it not work.

# Find and limit all child processes of all browsers.
for name in firefox firefox-esr chromium chrome
    for ppid in $(pgrep "$name")
        cpulimit --pid="$ppid" --limit="$LIMIT" &
        for pid in "$ppid" $(pgrep --parent "$ppid")
            cpulimit --pid="$pid" --limit="$LIMIT" &

(sorry I have not read the whole thread but as some hint for this specific task:)

Probably the best solution may work on cgroups, limiting not only single processes but groups of processes, including subprocesses created later on. This way it's possible not only to limit several processes to some value for their own but to have several processes combined not to exceed a limit.

For example if all firefox processes share a cgroup which is limited to 512 cpu.shares, while all other processes in the system have their default 1024 cpu.shares, firefox (in a whole, with all subprocesses) will be limited to ~30% CPU time if any other task wants to access the CPU.

But ad-hoc I do not have a working command example (cgcreate, cgset, cgexec, ...).


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