On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 05:01:57PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> Dan Ritter (12023-03-17):
> > If Reco didn't understand your question, it's because you are
> > very light on details.
> No. Reco's answers contradict the very first sentence of my first
> e-mail.

The first sentence of your first email
<https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/03/msg00682.html> is:

> Hi.

The second:

> Is this possible: ?

The third:

> I have a block device on the local host /dev/something with data on it.

And so on.  In fact, I don't see the word "btrfs" anywhere in the email.

So, which sentence did Reco contradict by suggesting an alternative
approach?  I'm more than a little bit confused.

Oh and hey, as long as we're being meta here, why would you write a
sentence like:

> I have a block device on the local host /dev/something with data on it.

Why wouldn't you give the actual NAME of the block device, and say what
type of file system is on it?  Assuming it's a file system, and not a
raw partition used for swap, or an Oracle database, or glob knows what.
This vagueness serves no purpose at all.

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