Nicolas George (12023-03-17):
> It is not vagueness, it is genericness: /dev/something is anything and
> contains anything, and I want a solution that works for anything.

Just to be clear: I KNOW that what I am asking, the ability to
synchronize an existing block device onto another over the network with
only minimal downtime before and after, is possible, because I would be
capable of implementing it if I had a few hundreds hours on my hands and
nothing better to do with them.

What I am really asking is if the tool to do it already exists in some
way. Because I do not have a few hundreds hours on my hands, and if I
had, I would spend them finishing AVWriter, writing my TODO list
manager, implementing a re-connecting SOCKS proxy and a server for user
applications over websockets (and re-reading Tolkien and Mistborn and
Terre d'Ange).


  Nicolas George

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