On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 02:23:31AM -0400, Maurice Heskett wrote:
> my last msg indicated I was going to logout and back in. Which I
> tried to do, but with a root pw set, or something else, IDK and
> don't at this point care because the only damned way I can login
> is as root!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My guess will be that while you were messing about with copying
around .Xauthority files earlier you bust your user's home directory
in some way that prevents a desktop environment from running, and
you did not notice until you came to log out and back in again.

I doubt we will ever get to the bottom of it.

I continue to wonder how far away we are from seeing this bug report
for synaptic.

> And it didn't make a fat rats ass of difference  EXCEPT if I su me, then cd
> /home/gene, nothing with a gui can be run as me, display 0:0 is locked away
> from me, in essence reversing the can't open display errors I was getting as
> me for sudo-ing to do gui and root requiring tasks.
> Explain that.

It's already been explained to you that different users have
challenges connecting to the display server of the user that is
logged in. That applies just as much whether that is a root process
(e.g. sudo someapp) trying to connect to the display of gene, or a
gene process trying to connect to the display of root.

Logging in to a desktop session as root didn't really get you
anywhere except as a matter of curiosity. It's not a mode you should
be running in, even if you did start reconfiguring all the apps to
work how you want under that user.

> So the next thing I'd like to try is getting rid of wayland and installing
> X11, but the packege managers want to strip the machine totally just to
> install the first X11 component. Stripped so badly I suspect I would even
> have a font left for the test login.  So where  do I do from here?

The bug report was my best idea since every bit of fiddling that
people are getting you to do seems to risk you doing something
unexpected and breaking your machine worse.

I guess you could try creating a new unprivileged user and seeing if
they can log in to a desktop session, just to prove the theory that
something is now messed up with user "gene"'s dotfiles or similar.
Or perhaps there is something in the system log about why gene can
authenticate at a console login and su, but not the display manager

It just seems so futile though, since every step taken seems to make
your situation worse.

I highly doubt that Wayland has anything to do with any of the
problems you describe in this thread.


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