On Wed 21 Jun 2023 at 08:29:55 (-0400), Maurice Heskett wrote:

> I have a gent on the Sheldon list at groups.io who would like to see
> how I solved a broke into pieces compound on my bigger lathe, linuxcnc
> can do all that and then some w/o a compound, so mine is now a block
> of a cast iron, machined to be the same height as the broken compound
> with a quick change tool holder on top of it. Because the
> net-installer does not identify the drives its going to format, and
> formating the raid cannot be permitted, all that stuff has to be
> removed and a reinstall done to only the sata_1 drive, it takes me a
> couple hours on my hands and knees to dismantle all that to protect it
> from the installs appetite to format everything in sight.  Then about
> 2 hours to put it all back together when the install has been
> finished.

I don't understand why you say that the net-installer can't identify
the drives (and partitions) that it's going to format. You seem to
have been using GPT disks for at least a year now, and they have
partition labels (PARTLABEL) which are listed by the installer,
as seen here:

  │  SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 500.1 GB ATA ST3500413AS          ▒  │   
  │  >             1.0 MB        FREE SPACE                  ▒  │   
  │  >     #1      3.1 MB     K  biosgrub    BIOS boot pa    ▒  │   
  │  >     #2    520.1 MB  B                 EFI System      ▒  │   
  │  >     #3    524.3 MB        ext2        Linux swap      ▒  │   
  │  >     #4     31.5 GB        ext4        Viva-A          ▒  │   
  │  >     #5     31.5 GB        ext4        Viva-B          ▒  │   
  │  >     #6    436.1 GB                    Viva-Home       ▒  │   
  │  >             7.7 kB        FREE SPACE                  ▒  │   
  │                                                          ↓  │   

You can set the partition names in fdisk by selecting the expert
menu with x and using the n command.

> But since I'm stuck in root, and my history with that net-installer is
> spotty at best, please give me a link to the bookworm net-install
> image, which I'll then dl and put on a fresh dvd, maybe it will work
> better than the 11.2 version I've been using. One of the things it
> still does is install orca and brltty w/o asking even if that option
> is skipped in the menu.

That would mean coping with changes and new features in bookworm
at the same time as trying to restore your system to something
perhaps resembling a normal Debian system. (I have no idea why
only you have ever reported undesired installation of the screen
reader system.)


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