On 2023-06-23 15:26, Emanuel Berg wrote:
Steve Sobol wrote:

In general people don't want to dist-upgrade automatically.


I'm not following, when these functions are invoked, be it
scheduled by some other software or by the user from the shell,
they are intended to do their work automatically
(non-interactively) if that is what you mean?

Dist-upgrade makes major changes to your system, updating dozens of packages, and pointing the OS at different APT repos.

(Debian, and downstream distros like Ubuntu, have separate repos for each release.)

Automating such changes would be a very bad idea.

Personally, I avoid doing in-place upgrades from one Debian/Ubuntu release to another. Given the low cost and quick turnaround time involved in spinning up a new VPS, I will almost always spin up a new VM instead, and move services and data from the old one to the new one. But if I have to do an in-place upgrade, I'm going to sit and watch it happen... just in case something goes wrong.

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