On Fri 23 Jun 2023 at 15:51:31 (-0700), Steve Sobol wrote:
> On 2023-06-23 15:26, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> > Steve Sobol wrote:
> > 
> > > > In general people don't want to dist-upgrade automatically.
> > > 
> > > Seconded.
> > 
> > I'm not following, when these functions are invoked, be it
> > scheduled by some other software or by the user from the shell,
> > they are intended to do their work automatically
> > (non-interactively) if that is what you mean?
> Dist-upgrade makes major changes to your system, updating dozens of
> packages, and pointing the OS at different APT repos.

Yes, but only if you've changed the codename in your sources.list
(or after a new release if you use the suite names).

> Automating such changes would be a very bad idea.

Agreed, though I use dist-upgrade routinely in combination with -d
in my cron job:

  0 */3 * * * apt-get -qq -o Acquire::http::Proxy=""; 
update && apt-get -qq -d -o Acquire::http::Proxy=""; 
dist-upgrade && find /var/cache/apt/archives/ -name '*deb'

As well as acting as a notification, this saves waiting while the
packages are downloaded when actually doing the upgrade.

> Personally, I avoid doing in-place upgrades from one Debian/Ubuntu
> release to another. Given the low cost and quick turnaround time
> involved in spinning up a new VPS, I will almost always spin up a new
> VM instead, and move services and data from the old one to the new
> one. But if I have to do an in-place upgrade, I'm going to sit and
> watch it happen... just in case something goes wrong.

Because I run several old machines (and nothing you could call new),
I use a similar scheme, but machine by machine rather than VMs.
It does rely somewhat on a careful record of configuration changes
made on each system for speed and consistency. Each system has
two consecutive releases installed on its drive at any time.


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