On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 12:29:18AM +0100, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
>   Total PE              76249
>   Alloc PE / Size       75146 / <293.54 GiB
>   Free  PE / Size       1103 / <4.31 GiB
>   VG UUID               fbCaw1-u3SN-2HCy-w6y8-v0nK-QsFE-FETNZM
> ... seems that I still have some 4 GB of unallocated space to add somewhere
> if/when needed.

Yes.  Everything looks fine.

> In any case, what is left to do is to find the best way to take some space
> from /home which is largely underused.

You'll have to unmount it, which generally means you will have to reboot
in single-user mode, or from rescue media, whichever is easier.

If you aren't opposed to setting a root password (some people have *weird*
self-imposed restrictions, seriously), single-user mode (aka "rescue mode"
from the GRUB menu) is the standard way to do this.  Boot to the GRUB menu,
select rescue mode, give the root password when prompted, then you should
end up with a root shell prompt.  I don't recall whether /home will be
mounted at that point; if it is, unmount it.  Then you should be able
to do whatever resizing is needed.  When done, exit from the shell, and
the system should boot normally.

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