
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 12:29:18AM +0100, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> Dunno ... in any case, for some reason the rescue mode I went to by booting
> from an old installation CD (dated back to Debian 6.0.1A Squeeze!) did not
> see partitions in form of e.g. /dev/mapper/localhost-home, but rather
> /dev/localhost/home, so lvreduce rejected to proceed.

Booting into an ancient userland like Debian 6 to do vital work on
your storage stack is completely insane. Bear in mind the amount of
changes and bug fixes that will have taken place in kernel,
filesystem and LVM tools between Debian 6 and Debian 12. You are
lucky we are not now having a very different kind of conversation.

Always try to use a rescue/live environment that is close to, or
newer than your actual system. Anything else risks catastrophe.

> So I tried vgdisplay. It returned ... among the others ...
> ...
> Total PE              76249
> Alloc PE / Size       74378 / 290.54 GiB
> Free  PE / Size       1871 / 7.31 GiB

Summary: you managed to use some of that available space.

> In any case, what is left to do is to find the best way to take some space
> from /home which is largely underused.

You should be able to do this bit without going into a live/rescue
env. You won't be able to do it while any user is logged in, so shut
down any desktop environment and log out of all users. Log back in
as root from console and just do the lvreduce --resizefs from there.
It should ask if you are willing to unmount /home.

If there's anything left running from /home the unmount won't work
and you'll have to track down those stray processes, but should be
easily doable.


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