On Mon 29 Jan 2024 at 16:12:30 (+0100), Hans wrote:
> > That appears to be too much overhead to me... virtual machines (for
> > server as full OS) seem much more appropriate to me, in particular as
> > differences between in-VM and physical devices are pretty much (not
> > completely, though!) abstracted away these days.
> non no, that is exactly, what I was not wanted. My goal was to have my 
> environment completely and easily portable. Without the need of having 
> virtualkbox or anything else: just plugin the usb-stick in ANY computer I 
> want, and I have everything available. Instead of this, I could carry my 
> notebook with me, but that is not what I want. Be prepared, also in any 
> situations. And a usb-stick you can always carry with you. That was the idea.
> And except this little annoying question at boot - which is only annoying and 
> does no harm - everyt6hing is running perfectly to my needs.
> Oh, and I believe, you are right, the cuase of this issue might really be the 
> initrd (which maye can be configured somehow) and then chosen as the initrd, 
> which is copied to the livesystem. Maybe I will take a look at this.
> However, it looks like no one else had other ideas, which are the files 
> responsible, that the boot process is discovering the harddrive and wants to 
> decrypt it. 

Well you haven't exactly given a lot of information to go on.
For example, before you hijacked your own thread (OT: Is there any
size limit for ISO's?), you said that you only got the prompts
when the stick booted in the "home" PC, not "foreign" ones.
That didn't make it into this thread, but one about ISOs,
which I had already deleted days earlier but happened to have


Not a lot here about which filesystems are encrypted, what's in
crypttab, fstab, the initrd, etc. and so on, but just some narrative.

> If no one else has any ideas in the future, I think, we should declare this 
> issue as closed. 
> I got a workaround, this is well enough for me.
> Thank you and all others for your help!


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